My ideal Job!

Each person has a dream, project or expectative related with career, but many people cannot work where they have always wanted, because may they have no job opportunities or is very difficult to them get it. I think that if you hard work, you could get anything.
The veterinarian can do many things; they can specialize to work in different areas like clinic, animal production, wildlife, epidemiology, surgery, etc. Besides, they can do medicament or vaccines, research and projects related with science too. Really if you are a vet, you have many alternatives and you should choose a job thinking that you enjoy it.
When I started to study veterinary medicine, I thought that I will work in a clinic of big animals or in a racecourse with only horses, but now I’m not really sure, because I now know that I can do many things so interesting. I believe that I will work in different areas and places until find a good job for me, with a excellent horary, because I want to spend time with my family, and good money. Also, I would like work outdoors, maybe in a field.
What I’m really sure that someday I want to go to China, because there is the Wolong Panda Reserve and my dream is work with Pandas because they are my favorite animals and they are endangered species. Wolong is a protected area located in Wenchuan County. The reserve is a home for more than 170 Giant panda and other endangered species including red pandas and golden monkeys.
I think that I could do a great work with them because really I love them and I want to do all for their welfare and health. Maybe that sounds so difficult to get, but this is my ideal job and I want to do anything to reach it.

My favourite subject!

What is my favourite subject?? My favorite subject is clearly physiology!
Physiology is a synthetic and experimental science which applies physical and chemical methods in biology. The physiology is extensive; it studies since molecules to organs and systems.
For example, you can known all about functioning of cells, osmolarity, the cardiovascular system, renal system, nervous system, acid-base balance, etc.
The physiology classes that I have, are very interesting, but sometimes are boring, this maybe because I am so tired and I am not very attentive. Anyway I believe that I have excellent teachers and I learn so much with them.
Physiology is my favourite subject because is more related with veterinary medicine career. I like known new things and understand why happen.
The physiology can be difficult to learn, but if you really want to learning, It is easy. Besides, I think that the physiology is a subject very important if you are studying a career related with health.

Cesar Millan!

Cesar Millan is a world-renowned dog behavior specialist, known for his uncanny ability to walk large packs of dogs at a time.
Born and raised in Mexico, with a surprising connection to the nature, always came naturally to him, but his unique connection to canines became most noticeable around the age of 13.
He went to America to pursue his dream of becoming the greatest dog trainer in the world.
At the present time, he is more known like “The dog whisperer”, he working in a TV show training to dogs and he helps them to improve their behavior. Cesar counsels people to calmly, assertively, and consistently give their dogs rules, boundaries, and limitations to establish themselves as solid leaders and to help correct and control unwanted behavior.
I think that he is a great person because has an amazing gift and he loves the dogs. I like his TV Show, because I can learning to manipulate animals, but really he has something special, I would like be like him! and I hope will not have problems with aggressive animal.

Why veterinarian?

I've always wanted to be a vet. I love the animals and work with them, I am concerned their welfare. When I was a little girl and I saw the faculty, I said to my parents “I want to study there”.
I think that is a great career, because has much to offer in different areas.
Is very difficult to me, I have that study so much if I want get a good mark, but anyway I like it.
I believe that the faculty is beautiful, because there are many animals, is a quiet place and really It is like a park.
I hope to become an excellent professional and I will work like I've always wanted.

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Hello Everyone!

My name is María Paz, I have 20 years old and I am studing veterinary medicine. I live with my parents, my little brother and my sweet puppy “Bonny”.

I do Taekwondo, I like it, because I feel good when I practice it and I think that is a sport very interesting and complete.

I like many things! The chocolate, the beach, dance, sleep, play in the computer, I like go to differents places, I love my boyfriends! and more.

My favorite animal is the Panda, I think that they are fantastic animals.

What about you?

My ideal Job!

Each person has a dream, project or expectative related with career, but many people cannot work where they have always wanted, because may they have no job opportunities or is very difficult to them get it. I think that if you hard work, you could get anything.
The veterinarian can do many things; they can specialize to work in different areas like clinic, animal production, wildlife, epidemiology, surgery, etc. Besides, they can do medicament or vaccines, research and projects related with science too. Really if you are a vet, you have many alternatives and you should choose a job thinking that you enjoy it.
When I started to study veterinary medicine, I thought that I will work in a clinic of big animals or in a racecourse with only horses, but now I’m not really sure, because I now know that I can do many things so interesting. I believe that I will work in different areas and places until find a good job for me, with a excellent horary, because I want to spend time with my family, and good money. Also, I would like work outdoors, maybe in a field.
What I’m really sure that someday I want to go to China, because there is the Wolong Panda Reserve and my dream is work with Pandas because they are my favorite animals and they are endangered species. Wolong is a protected area located in Wenchuan County. The reserve is a home for more than 170 Giant panda and other endangered species including red pandas and golden monkeys.
I think that I could do a great work with them because really I love them and I want to do all for their welfare and health. Maybe that sounds so difficult to get, but this is my ideal job and I want to do anything to reach it.

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My favourite subject!

What is my favourite subject?? My favorite subject is clearly physiology!
Physiology is a synthetic and experimental science which applies physical and chemical methods in biology. The physiology is extensive; it studies since molecules to organs and systems.
For example, you can known all about functioning of cells, osmolarity, the cardiovascular system, renal system, nervous system, acid-base balance, etc.
The physiology classes that I have, are very interesting, but sometimes are boring, this maybe because I am so tired and I am not very attentive. Anyway I believe that I have excellent teachers and I learn so much with them.
Physiology is my favourite subject because is more related with veterinary medicine career. I like known new things and understand why happen.
The physiology can be difficult to learn, but if you really want to learning, It is easy. Besides, I think that the physiology is a subject very important if you are studying a career related with health.

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Cesar Millan!

Cesar Millan is a world-renowned dog behavior specialist, known for his uncanny ability to walk large packs of dogs at a time.
Born and raised in Mexico, with a surprising connection to the nature, always came naturally to him, but his unique connection to canines became most noticeable around the age of 13.
He went to America to pursue his dream of becoming the greatest dog trainer in the world.
At the present time, he is more known like “The dog whisperer”, he working in a TV show training to dogs and he helps them to improve their behavior. Cesar counsels people to calmly, assertively, and consistently give their dogs rules, boundaries, and limitations to establish themselves as solid leaders and to help correct and control unwanted behavior.
I think that he is a great person because has an amazing gift and he loves the dogs. I like his TV Show, because I can learning to manipulate animals, but really he has something special, I would like be like him! and I hope will not have problems with aggressive animal.

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Why veterinarian?

I've always wanted to be a vet. I love the animals and work with them, I am concerned their welfare. When I was a little girl and I saw the faculty, I said to my parents “I want to study there”.
I think that is a great career, because has much to offer in different areas.
Is very difficult to me, I have that study so much if I want get a good mark, but anyway I like it.
I believe that the faculty is beautiful, because there are many animals, is a quiet place and really It is like a park.
I hope to become an excellent professional and I will work like I've always wanted.

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I love this video!

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Hello Everyone!

My name is María Paz, I have 20 years old and I am studing veterinary medicine. I live with my parents, my little brother and my sweet puppy “Bonny”.

I do Taekwondo, I like it, because I feel good when I practice it and I think that is a sport very interesting and complete.

I like many things! The chocolate, the beach, dance, sleep, play in the computer, I like go to differents places, I love my boyfriends! and more.

My favorite animal is the Panda, I think that they are fantastic animals.

What about you?

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